While teaching ceramics at the Tucson Museum of Art, I was afforded the opportunity to take figure drawing classes year after year. Recently, I retrieved, from under my bed, all the portfolios I had stored. I began cutting out what I liked from the best of my fifty years of drawing, creating the collages you see here. I began with my favorites, using the ones on the best paper; creating a theme, a statement or impression I wished to portray to my audience. The collages are framed under glass and are available for purchase locally.
“Around We Go”
“The Eyes Have It”
“The Day After”
“Power In Black”
“Lean On Me”
“Man in Blue Shirt”
“Fruits of My Labor”
“Waiting To Ride”
“Visions in Black & White”
“Golden Day Dreams”
My easel, my studio floor
“My Bedroom Life”